Technology Audit

Your information infrastructure is probably complex, most certainly expensive. But is its performance satisfactory? Are you sure that the high cost of your information technology is due to the functionalities you need rather than to the incoherence of your architecture?

banksoft i³ Consulting can help you answer these questions. And formulate recommendations to transform your information technology into a competitive advantage.

A banksoft i³ Consulting mission can cover all or part of the following activities:

Diagnostics of your Technology Infrastructure

The objective of these services is to document the existing environment, to highlight its weaknesses and to recommend improvements.


platformsWhat are your main platforms? Are they well suited for your applications? Is the diversity of your platforms justified? What are your development environments? Are they appropriate and do you have the necessary expertise?

banksoft formulates concrete and reasonable recommendations to reduce the overall cost of your IT (TCO or total cost of ownership) whilst maintaining or improving its performances.

Applications & Data

applicationsWhat are your main applications? Your main databases? Are there redundancies? Shortcomings? Insecurities? What are your information flows? Are they optimised? Do you have information islands? How are your applications used? What about back-ups?

banksoft documents your application architecture, highlighting the redundancies and shortcomings and formulates recommendations which may be to replace certain applications, group certain databases or redesign the information flow within the company.

Protocols & Interfaces

protocolsWhat are the main communication protocols used? How are documents and messages exchanged between applications? Is there a standardisation policy? Have you managed to interconnect your main systems? Including business systems such as SWIFT?

banksoft formulates recommendations concerning the standardisation of your architecture in order to enable better integration of your different applications.

Management of IT Resources

Our services go well beyond the simple analysis of your existing environment. They lead to complete and detailed recommendations concerning the management of your IT resources, both from a technical as well as from a governance point of view.

Technical Management

technicalHow do you manage your IT resources? Are you able to determine the cause of performance problems? Have you implemented a true service management system? Do you have an integrated management system or is each subsystem managed separately? What feedback is available in terms of performance and service availability?

banksoft's recommendations usually concern a progressive migration towards an integrated service management system.

IT Governance


Do you usually develop your applications in-house? Do you make use of application service provision (ASP)? Or do you buy your applications off-the-shelf (COS)? Have you considered outsourcing part of your infrastructure? Or have you done so already?

banksoft i³ advises you on the opportunities to outsource all or part of your infrastructure and helps you to successfully implement an outsourcing project.

Our building blocks for your success :

blocksbanksoft i³- your partner for efficient IT management & cost savings.

Our mission: to make your ITC a strategic tool for gaining a competitive advantage and a vision for the future.