Many AS/400 users have long awaited a simple ‘all-software’ AS/400 SWIFT interface.> Datasphere’s ‘Bali’ provides a direct AS/400 gateway platform to SWIFT requiring no intermediate hardware, software, or systems.
Completely automate your SWIFT and TELEX message flow between banking applications and the SWIFT and TELEX networks
Continuous monitoring of the status of messages on the SWIFT network allows you to manage your messaging and processing efficiently.
‘Bali’s user-defined message handling and validation simplifies your internal operations. High-level traffic control detects duplicates, authenticates messages, and provides automatic recovery procedures.
Guaranteed implementation of SWIFT security standards from banking application to the SWIFT network.
One system for all banking needs - on your IBM AS/400.
Message Manager - manages SWIFT message processing with user-defined ‘select’ and ‘sort’ criteria.
Banking Application Interface - a continuous entry-point for SWIFT messages in SWIFT II or free-format TELEX.
Scheduler - continuously monitors date/time fields of outgoing SWIFT and TELEX messages.
Data Entry - authorised users can create any approved SWIFT message type.
User Functions - certificate management; pre-agreement management; and automatic, semi-automatic, and manual exchange of bi-lateral keys with correspondents.
SLS Functions - full ICC technology integration and support; monitors SWIFT communication (leased line, public line, PDN, PSTN).
System Administration - enables direct AS/400 user-administration of ICC cards and card-readers.
Pre-formatting of SWIFT System Messages
Fully secure Export/Import of Pre-agreements using data-encryption.
And what's specifically good about it :
SWIFT messaging is today at the centre of international interbank operations. Fast, efficient and cost-effective SWIFT message processing is the key to better customer service, more profitable operations and a corner-stone for achieving true straight-through-processing.
Established in Brussels since 1986, banksoft is an independent IT integrator and consultancy business with a successful track record in international financial markets.
All our consultants have many years of active hands-on experience in financial sectors, specifically in relation to international banking operations and IC technologies, S.W.I.F.T. and related IT applications.
banksoft is authorized distributor of Datasphere and provides full customer support for the BALI AS/400 SWIFT Interface.
BALI is a S.W.I.F.T. Interface on the IBM AS/400 computer developed and maintained by
DatasphereDatasphere has more than 200 bank customers around the world.
banksoft BALI related services comprise the following: