ML TracTM  Anti-Money Laundering Software

With the current and increasing emphasis on adequate anti money laundering procedures and prevention, plus the draconian penalties for those who fail, no financial institution can afford to be without ML TracTM from i-financial.


MLTracTM from i-financial is dedicated to identifying and tracking suspicious and potential money laundering activities. It enables banks and other financial institutions to improve their internal disciplines, supplement their policies and procedures and make a clear statement about their commitment to effective anti-money laundering controls.

MLTracTM functionality is based upon a combination of our own experience, together with contributions from our customers and relevant UK authorities. Regular updates take account of any future changes in legislation.


MLTracTM is a dedicated system that has been built especially for the compliance officer and is suitable for any size of bank, financial institution or company involved in money transactions.


Component based structure

MLTracTM has been designed with flexibility in mind. Structured as a number of separate optional components within a modular structure, MLTracTM offers extensive functionality and comprehensive reporting.

Accounts Monitoring

This component enables the Money Laundering Officer to monitor and track movements across accounts effectively and efficiently. Following simple to establish rule based parameters, the system monitors movements across all designated accounts and highlights any exceptions. Additional functionality ensures compliance with any Account Monitoring Orders received.

KYC Document Compliance

This component enables the collation of KYC documentation (Know Your Customer) requirements by logging and recording details of those documents seen at the time of entering into a customer relationship. Discrepancy reporting improves internal disciplines and identifies shortfalls in data collation at the same time as potentially helping to save fines.

KYC Documentation Management

This component facilitates the scanning and storing of the necessary KYC documents and links them to the KYC Compliance component.

Payments Profiling

This component monitors and tracks all payments inwards and outwards, and highlights discrepancies or suspicious payments or patterns to regions, individuals or locations. This helps detect new potential money laundering situations as opposed to just checking for known offenders.

Customer Relationship Management

This component, whilst part of the anti-money laundering process, is not restricted to it. The CRM component enables the bank to build up a complete profile of the customer, including what action was taken in relation to any discrepancies found or any other matter. By recording correspondence and details of telephone calls a complete audit trail is available for the authorities should any inspection arise.

Watch-List Checking

All inbound and outbound payment messages are compared against Central Monetary Authorities Watch Lists and suspicious payments "quarantined" pending manual approval.

Exception Reporting

The system offers multiple exception reports to help the Money-Laundering Officer in their duties. These include:


MLTracTM is an easy to use and effective system that enables the compliance officer and his team to be totally in control of the funds flow at all times.

MLTrac from i-financial

MLTracTM has been designed and developed by i-financial, an international banking software company with Head Office in London, UK, and with overseas offices and approved agents who ensure world-wide supply and support. In Continental Europe MLTracTM is distributed and serviced by banksoft in Brussels, Belgium.